Vehicle Service Contracts

They’re not auto warranties – they’re better!

Auto Coverage that covers more.

A vehicle is a big investment – and an even bigger responsibility. Young or old, new or used – protecting that investment is going to be a high priority.

Many buyers’ first instinct when purchasing a vehicle may be to settle for the warranty offered to them at the dealership, but did you know there’s another option?

Introducing Vehicle Service Contracts (VSCs) at Buffalo Metropolitan – comprehensive vehicle protection that’s tailor-made for you.

Why Get Auto Coverage at Buffalo Metropolitan?

Buffalo Metropolitan encourages members to shop around – and make informed decisions about their protection plans. That’s why we’ve partnered with ConnexVSC to bring our members an option they can trust, at the Credit Union they trust: comprehensive auto coverage plans that are made specifically for you, your budget, and your car. 

The Difference Between VSCs and Auto Warranties

When you get a warranty at the dealership, you are largely at the mercy of the plan you’re given. This can mean less flexibility, a shorter protection term, and coverage that focuses on the most important parts of your vehicle – but leaves out a lot of the components most likely to fail over time. In addition, many auto warranties last around 3 years on average – not nearly long enough to last for when the biggest maintenance issues start to arise.

ConnexVSC addresses these common concerns by providing protection that is designed to match your factory warranty and then some: offering long-lasting coverage on not only the most important parts of your car, but also the following:

  • Mechanical & electrical repairs
  • Component replacements
  • Cost of parts & labor
  • Tire & Wheel Protection
  • Key Replacement
  • Theft & Fraud Protection

…and more!


More Than Just a Warranty

Another advantage of a VSC at Buffalo Metropolitan: you get more than just baseline auto protection. When things go wrong, ConnexVSC’s coverage doesn’t just stop at your car and its components – they work for you. With user-configurable plans, members also receive complementary services such as:

  • Towing/Vehicle Relocation
  • Rental/Alternative Transportation
  • Roadside Assistance (incl. Fuel/Oil/Fluid/Water Delivery, Lock-Out Assistance, Battery Assistance, and more)
  • Trip Interruption Coverage (Pays for your meals & lodging while your car is being serviced)

…and more!


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