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Lower anxiety (and spending) when buying cars
Pushy salespeople make you tense. The huge number of options makes finding your way confusing. You don’t understand the difference between a dealership or credit union loan.
Is buy now, pay later debt?
Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) is a pretty popular way to pay for pricier items nowadays. It’s an alternative to credit cards, and it has a couple benefits. BNPL is usually easy to use and doesn’t charge interest.
Fixed vs Adjustable-Rate Mortgages
Buying a home is complex and even scary, especially if you are a first-time buyer. One confusing part of house shopping for buyers is the difference between different types of loans.
Invasion of the voice-snatchers
They’re stealing voices…and your money. Scammers are smarter than ever, and they prey upon honest people using new artificial intelligence (AI) tricks.
Buffalo Metropolitan offers members who are high school seniors an opportunity to win a scholarship for each upcoming scholastic year.